“ Pose” star Billy Porter’s show-stopping red carpet ensemble at the Tony’s this year undoubtedly made a statement. The designer behind it is none other than Celestino Couture. The red velvet “gender-fluid evening suit” was...
Hanh Merriman Spring/Summer 2020 New York Fashion Week
A plethora of people are currently anticipating falls arrival, I wholeheartedly am not one of them. (There is only so much pumpkin spice I can take). Designer, Hanh Merriman further amplified my summer nostalgia with...
I Love Pretty Spring/Summer 2020 New York Fashion Week
As you come into the room the rows are filled with pink little bags filled with boxes. As you find your seat or perfect standing position fun flirty music is playing and people mix and...
Damowang Spring/Summer 2020 New York Fashion Week
Upon arrival the staff was very nice and dressed in all black. The wait is outside under the makeshift tents, black carpet and black ropes, with kiosks you scan your barcode at to move to...
Metal & Smith 2019 Jewelry Event
Summer is swiftly coming to an end but the jewelry showcased at Metal and Smith is still hot! The carefully curated selection of international jewelry designers did not disappoint. Check out some of my favorite...
St. Kitts Music Festival: A Fusion of Music and Fashion
The 2019 Edition of the St. Kitts Music Festival finally arrived and fans could not wait for the music festival starting June 27-29 to begin. Popular local artistes from St. Kitts and Nevis and the...
Studio One Eighty Nine – New York Fashion Week – FW19
My favorite type of shows during New York Fashion Week are presentations over runway shows. I love the idea of getting up close and personal with the designs to take in all of the details...
Ghada Albuainain & Harlienz – New York Fashion Week FW19
A line up of the fiercest models I had seen all fashion week strutted the runway. Although mostly covered, they exuded a sensual confidence that was palpable. If I had the opportunity to grace the...
Madame Adassa – New York Fashion Week FW19
New York Fashion Week has become increasingly diverse as the years go by. From an exclusively Australian showcase to Turkish and Hong Kong designers. The one international born designer I was personally anticipating the most,...
Turkish Designers – New York Fashion Week FW19
Buket OzkalfalarFuturistic twist on black, wrapped heads & bodies; bandages, fur, & frilly accents all collectively describe this outer worldly experience while these sexy silhouettes stomped down the runway to a sumptuous soundtrack for a...