The 2021 New York Fashion Week Blue Jacket Fashion Show

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New York Fashion Week 2021 kicked of last week with a charitable fashion event. Another day another virtual fashion show, this one however did not include a runway and held a powerful purpose. This year marks the 5th anniversary of the Blue Jacket Fashion Show.  Founded by designers Frederick Anderson and Laura Miller to create a platform to openly discuss men’s health issues. This year’s show appropriately landed on Feb 4th, world cancer day. Janssen Oncology returned as the official sponsor. Along with showcasing the best of menswear, the virtual event included discussions with healthcare professionals. Celebrity insiders such as Billy Porter, Ty-Ron Mayes, and Dominic Fumusa spoke on the impact this disease has had on their lives.

The healthcare advice given was priceless. Notable health professionals and TV personalities such as Bill Nye dropped knowledge in his Nick Graham blue jacket. The two have collaborated in the past combining style with science. Notably the Apollo 11 moon landing bow ties. Dr. Oz stressed the importance of yearly screenings. Healthy eating was also emphasized. Eating clean by including more vegetables such as cauliflower, can be life-changing in a significant way. Black men are twice as likely to die from Colon cancer, a sad and cautionary truth. Early detection of this disease has a 99-100% survival rate, however this rate drops significantly when advanced metastatic cases are found. The only way to prevent the spread of cancer cells due to colon cancer is with early detection. For high risk patients ages 40-45 are the best times to get screened. 

Rodney Gillespie, vice president of sales and marketing at Janssen Oncology stressed the importance of prevention. His colleagues share the same sentiment. Platforms such as these reaching a wider and younger audience, thus eliminating health inequalities for people of color.  Journalist, Don Lemon’s smile brightened the screen as he spoke of his personal journey in his favorite blue suit jacket and coat from Men’s Wearhouse & Tommy Hilfiger. Mario Cantone of fan favorite Sex and the City joined the conversation dressed in Alessandro Satori. His lighthearted banter and comedic relief did not take away from the seriousness of the topic at hand. He spoke of his proactive attitude with his health, and emphasized annual check ups even during the pandemic.

Fashion icon,  André Leon Talley was also in attendance. The New York Times best-selling author spoke with Dr. Jonathan Simmons as he shared facts. Nine times out of ten this is a symptomless cancer. The number one cancer influenced by lifestyle, diet, exercise, and maintaining a normal body mass index.  All contribute to being heart healthy, and therefore are the best prevention measures. Currently over a dozen new research treatments are being developed. The hope is by 2030 this cancer will be eliminated. Make sure to get tested, it can save your life. Stay informed at

Blogged by Deon Marie

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